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Europ Assistance. You live, we care

Vi tager os af dig!

Vi ønsker, at du skal nyde din rejse uden bekymringer.

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Grundlæggende beskyttelse

Vi har din ryg

Rejseforsikring - Tur afbestilling

We will pay you the expenses for the cancellation that Your Travel provider bills you according to the conditions of sale up to the limit corresponding to the contracted modality if you have to cancel your trip.

The maximum compensation per claim, in each group policy, will be the one corresponding to the contracted modality, for all the insured affected by the same claim. If the indicated limit is exceeded, the compensation will be distributed proportionally among the Insured affected and according to the amount insured by each one.

We will not pay the costs of airport taxes, management fees for issuance or cancellation, insurance, or other supplements that are not paid by the service provider.

You must cancel the Trip before the start date and notify the supplier. This guarantee is valid until the day and time that you must start your trip.

The insured causes that prevent you from making the Trip must occur after 72 hours from your adhesion to the insurance; Unless you adhere to the insurance at the same time you take out the Trip.

The insured causes that prevent You from making the Trip on the scheduled date are the following:

For health reasons:

  • Serious Illness, Serious bodily injury or death of:
    • You
    • Death of a third-degree relative of yours.
  • If you have pregnancy complications or miscarriage.

For legal reasons:

  • If you are summoned as a party, you will be a witness for a court or a member of a jury.
  • If you are summoned as a member of a polling station.
  • If you are detained by the police (as long as it is not for a crime).
  • If you are summoned for proceedings related to Your divorce.
  • If you are going to be given a child for adoption on the dates scheduled for your trip.

For Laboral reason:

  • If you are fired from your job. It has to be a non-disciplinary dismissal. 
  • If you have to take official exams on the dates of your trip. 
  • If you have your employment contract extended. 
  • If you are forced to transfer and you have to change your address.

For extraordinary causes:

  • If the Authorities officially declare a “catastrophic zone” the place from which you start your trip. 
  • If a terrorist act or a natural catastrophe occurs at the destination. It must be produced within the 30 days prior to the start date of Your Trip. It must be produced within a distance of less than 30 km from the destination. 
  • If your company is declared bankrupt.

Other motives:

  • If you receive a parallel income statement made by the Ministry of Finance for an amount greater than 600 euros. 
  • If you cancel the trip because you have won a similar trip in a public draw before a notary public. 
  • If you are awarded an official scholarship that coincides with the dates of your trip.

When You cancel Your Trip for any of the insured causes, we will also pay the expenses of canceling a Companion when: 

  • is insured by this insurance, 
  • is on the same Trip reservation as you and 
  • you have to travel alone after you have canceled your trip.

If You cancel Your Trip for any of the insured causes, we will also pay the cancellation costs of minors when: 

  • are insured by this insurance, 
  • are in the same reservation of the Trip as you, 
  • are at Your expense during the Trip and 
  • You cancel your trip for any of the insured causes.

If You cannot make Your Trip for any of the insured causes, you can choose to: 

  • cancel Your Trip, or 
  • assign Your Trip or change it to someone else's name, or 
  • modify the dates to travel at another time.

If you choose to assign or modify the Trip, we will pay the expenses that are produced by the changes if they are less than the cancellation expenses. In both cases, you waive requesting that we pay you any other type of expense for the cancellation of the trip.


Professionel Beskyttelse

Rejser som en Professionel!

Rejseforsikring - Tur afbestilling

We will pay you the expenses for the cancellation that Your Travel provider bills you according to the conditions of sale up to the limit corresponding to the contracted modality if you have to cancel your trip. 

The maximum compensation per claim, in each group policy, will be the one corresponding to the contracted modality, for all the insured affected by the same claim. If the indicated limit is exceeded, the compensation will be distributed proportionally among the Insured affected and according to the amount insured by each one. 

We will not pay the costs of airport taxes, management fees for issuance or cancellation, insurance, or other supplements that are not paid by the service provider. 

You must cancel the Trip before the start date and notify the supplier. This guarantee is valid until the day and time that you must start your trip. 

The insured causes that prevent you from making the Trip must occur after 72 hours from your adhesion to the insurance; Unless you adhere to the insurance at the same time you take out the Trip. 

The insured causes that prevent You from making the Trip on the scheduled date are the following:

For health reasons: 

  • Serious Illness, Serious bodily injury or death of: 
    • You 
    • A relative of yours of the first or second degree of kinship 
    • The person who was caring for Your minor or disabled children in your care 
    • Your professional substitute 
  • Death of a relative of yours of the third degree of kinship. 
  • If you are unexpectedly called for surgery. 
  • If you have pregnancy complications or miscarriage. 
  • If you are cited for an organ transplant. 
  • If a child or brother of yours under two years of age who is insured by this insurance becomes ill unexpectedly.

For legal reasons:

  • If you are summoned as a party, you will be a witness for a court or a member of a jury. 
  • If you are summoned as a member of a polling station.
  • If you are detained by the police (as long as it is not for a crime). 
  • If you are summoned for proceedings related to Your divorce. 
  • If you are going to be given a child for adoption on the dates scheduled for your trip. 
  • If you are denied a visa without just cause by the consulate. 
  • If you are summoned from an official body to sign a document in person.

For Laboral reason:

  • If you are fired from your job. It has to be a non-disciplinary dismissal. 
  • If you start a job in a new company, in which you have not been hired in the previous six months. In case you are hired by a temporary employment agency (ETT) we will consider the companies for which you have worked and not the ETT. 
  • If you have to take official exams on the dates of your trip. 
  • If you have your employment contract extended. 
  • If you are forced to transfer and you have to change your address.

For extraordinary causes:

  • Serious damage to your residence (primary or secondary) or to your professional premises (when your presence is essential). We will consider as serious damages those produced by a fire, a theft, an explosion, a flood or by the forces of nature. 
  • If you cannot start your trip because there have been acts of air, land or naval piracy at some point along the way. 
  • If the Authorities officially declare a “catastrophic zone” the place from which you start your trip. 
  • If a terrorist act or a natural catastrophe occurs at the destination. It must be produced within the 30 days prior to the start date of Your Trip. It must be produced within a distance of less than 30 km from the destination. 
  • If your company is declared bankrupt.

Other motives:

  • If you receive a parallel income statement made by the Ministry of Finance for an amount greater than 600 euros. 
  • If you cancel the trip because you have won a similar trip in a public draw before a notary public. 
  • If your documentation or luggage is stolen in the moments prior to your trip and for that reason you cannot start it. 
  • If you break down your vehicle or that of your spouse, or have an Accident with one of them, and you cannot make Your Trip because the cost of the repair is higher than 600 euros. 
  • If you are awarded an official scholarship that coincides with the dates of your trip.

When You cancel Your Trip for any of the insured causes, we will also pay the expenses of canceling a Companion when: 

  • is insured by this insurance, 
  • is on the same Trip reservation as you and 
  • you have to travel alone after you have canceled your trip.

If You cancel Your Trip for any of the insured causes, we will also pay the cancellation costs of minors when:

  • are insured by this insurance, 
  • are in the same reservation of the Trip as you, 
  • are at Your expense during the Trip and 
  • You cancel your trip for any of the insured causes.

If You cannot make Your Trip for any of the insured causes, you can choose to: 

  • cancel Your Trip, or 
  • assign Your Trip or change it to someone else's name, or 
  • modify the dates to travel at another time.

If you choose to assign or modify the Trip, we will pay the expenses that are produced by the changes if they are less than the cancellation expenses. In both cases, you waive requesting that we pay you any other type of expense for the cancellation of the trip.

Rejsebeskyttelse - Tur afbrydelse

Hvis du er nødt til at afbryde din rejse, vil vi betale dig udgifterne svarende til den midlertidige indkvartering af de dage af rejsen, der ikke er brugt op til grænsen svarende til den aftalte modalitet. 

For at beregne det beløb, vi skal betale dig, dividerer vi det samlede beløb for indkvarteringsomkostningerne med antallet af nætter, der er reserveret, og personen. Vi ganger det resulterende beløb med antallet af nætter, som du ikke har nydt.

De forsikrede årsager er:

  • Død af: 
    • Dig eller 
    • Et direkte familiemedlem. 
  • Kropsskade eller alvorlig sygdom, der medfører din indlæggelse og forhindrer dig i at fortsætte din rejse. 
  • Kropsskade eller alvorlig sygdom, der medfører indlæggelse af et direkte familiemedlem. 
  • Alvorlig skade på din bolig (primær eller sekundær) eller på dine erhvervslokaler (når din tilstedeværelse er essentiel). Vi vil betragte alvorlig skade forårsaget af brand, eksplosion, tyveri eller naturkræfter. 
  • Hvis du bliver fyret fra dit job. Det skal være en disciplinær afskedigelse. 
  • Hvis du er tvunget til at overføre fra dit job, og du er nødt til at ændre din adresse. 
  • Hvis du starter et job i et nyt firma, hvor du ikke har været ansat de sidste seks måneder. I tilfælde af at du er ansat af et vikarbureau (ETT), vil vi betragte de virksomheder, du har arbejdet for, og ikke ETT. 
  • Hvis du er indkaldt som part, vil du være retsvidne eller medlem af en jury. Dækkede årsager skal forekomme, når din rejse allerede er begyndt.

COVID - Annullering

  • Hvis du eller et nært familiemedlem dør af COVID-19 mellem forsikringskontrakten og den dag rejsen begynder. 
  • Hvis du bliver syg med COVID-19 i de to uger før rejsens start, og du ikke behøver indlæggelse. 
  • Hvis du bliver syg med COVID-19 og indlægges i de fire uger før rejsens start. 
  • Hvis du eller din ledsager er i medicinsk karantæne for at være syg med COVID-19 på datoen for rejsens start. Karantænen skal være ordineret af en læge. 
  • Hvis et nært familiemedlem af dig er indlagt med COVID-19, og dette forhindrer dig i at foretage rejsen. 
  • Hvis du nægtes boarding fordi du har feber eller andre symptomer. Du skal fremvise en positiv test for COVID-19 udført på samme dag eller inden for de følgende tre dage. 
  • Hvis myndighederne i dit land kræver din tilstedeværelse eller tjenester som en del af svaret på situationen skabt af COVID-19.

Premium Beskyttelse

Rejs Sikkert

Rejseforsikring - Tur afbestilling

We will pay you the expenses for the cancellation that Your Travel provider bills you according to the conditions of sale up to the limit corresponding to the contracted modality if you have to cancel your trip. 

The maximum compensation per claim, in each group policy, will be the one corresponding to the contracted modality, for all the insured affected by the same claim. If the indicated limit is exceeded, the compensation will be distributed proportionally among the Insured affected and according to the amount insured by each one. 

We will not pay the costs of airport taxes, management fees for issuance or cancellation, insurance, or other supplements that are not paid by the service provider. You must cancel the Trip before the start date and notify the supplier. This guarantee is valid until the day and time that you must start your trip. 

The insured causes that prevent you from making the Trip must occur after 72 hours from your adhesion to the insurance; Unless you adhere to the insurance at the same time you take out the Trip. 

The insured causes that prevent You from making the Trip on the scheduled date are the following:

For health reasons:

  • Serious Illness, Serious bodily injury or death of: 
    • You 
    • a relative of yours of the first or second degree of kinship 
    • the person who was caring for Your minor or disabled children in Your care 
    • Your professional substitute 
  • Death of a relative of yours of the third degree of kinship. 
  • If you are unexpectedly called for surgery. 
  • If you have pregnancy complications or miscarriage. 
  • If you are cited for an organ transplant. 
  • If a child or brother of yours under two years of age who is insured by this insurance becomes ill unexpectedly.

For legal reasons:

  • If you are summoned as a party, you will be a witness for a court or a member of a jury. 
  • If you are summoned as a member of a polling station. 
  • If you are detained by the police (as long as it is not for a crime). 
  • If you are summoned for proceedings related to Your divorce. 
  • If you are going to be given a child for adoption on the dates scheduled for your trip. 
  • If you are denied a visa without just cause by the consulate. 
  • If you are summoned from an official body to sign a document in person.

For Laboral reason:

  • If you are fired from your job. It has to be a disciplinary dismissal. 
  • If you start a job in a new company, in which you have not been hired in the previous six months. In case you are hired by a temporary employment agency (ETT) we will consider the companies for which you have worked and not the ETT. 
  • If you have to take official exams on the dates of your trip. 
  • If you have your employment contract extended. 
  • If you are forced to transfer and you have to change your address.

For extraordinary causes:

  • Serious damage to your residence (primary or secondary) or to your professional premises (when your presence is essential). We will consider as serious damages those produced by a fire, a theft, an explosion, a flood or by the forces of nature. 
  • If you cannot start your trip because there have been acts of air, land or naval piracy at some point along the way. 
  • If the Authorities officially declare a “catastrophic zone” the place from which you start your trip. 
  • If a terrorist act or a natural catastrophe occurs at the destination. It must be produced within the 30 days prior to the start date of Your Trip. It must be produced within a distance of less than 30 km from the destination. 
  • If your company is declared bankrupt.

Other motives:

  • If you receive a parallel income statement made by the Ministry of Finance for an amount greater than 600 euros. 
  • If you cancel the trip because you have won a similar trip in a public draw before a notary public. 
  • If your documentation or luggage is stolen in the moments prior to your trip and for that reason you cannot start it. 
  • If you break down your vehicle or that of your spouse, or have an Accident with one of them, and you cannot make Your Trip because the cost of the repair is higher than 600 euros. 
  • If you are awarded an official scholarship that coincides with the dates of your trip.

When You cancel Your Trip for any of the insured causes, we will also pay the expenses of canceling a Companion when: 

  • is insured by this insurance, 
  • is on the same Trip reservation as you and 
  • you have to travel alone after you have canceled your trip.

If You cancel Your Trip for any of the insured causes, we will also pay the cancellation costs of minors when: 

  • are insured by this insurance, 
  • are in the same reservation of the Trip as you, 
  • are at Your expense during the Trip and 
  • You cancel your trip for any of the insured causes.

If You cannot make Your Trip for any of the insured causes, you can choose to: 

  • cancel Your Trip, or 
  • assign Your Trip or change it to someone else's name, or 
  • modify the dates to travel at another time.

If you choose to assign or modify the Trip, we will pay the expenses that are produced by the changes if they are less than the cancellation expenses. In both cases, you waive requesting that we pay you any other type of expense for the cancellation of the trip.

Rejsebeskyttelse - Tur afbrydelse

Hvis du er nødt til at afbryde din rejse, betaler vi dig udgifterne svarende til den midlertidige indkvartering af de dage af rejsen, der ikke er brugt op til grænsen svarende til den aftalte modalitet. 

For at beregne det beløb, vi skal betale dig, deler vi det samlede beløb af indkvarteringsomkostningerne med antallet af nætter booket og personen. Vi ganger det resulterende beløb med antallet af nætter, du ikke har nydt.

De forsikrede årsager er:

  • Død af: 
    • Dig eller 
    • En Nær Familie Medlem. 
  • Kropsskade eller Alvorlig Sygdom, der indebærer din hospitalsindlæggelse og forhindrer dig i at fortsætte din rejse. 
  • Kropsskade eller Alvorlig Sygdom, der indebærer hospitalsindlæggelse af et Nært Familie Medlem. 
  • Alvorlig skade på din bolig (primær eller sekundær) eller til dine professionelle lokaler (når din tilstedeværelse er afgørende). Vi vil betragte alvorlig skade forårsaget af brand, eksplosion, tyveri eller naturkræfter. 
  • Hvis du bliver fyret fra dit job. Det skal være en disciplinær afskedigelse. 
  • Hvis du er tvunget til at overføre fra dit job, og du skal ændre din adresse. 
  • Hvis du starter et job i et nyt firma, hvor du ikke har været ansat i de foregående seks måneder. Hvis du er ansat af et vikarbureau (ETT), vil vi betragte de firmaer, du har arbejdet for, og ikke ETT. 
  • Hvis du bliver indkaldt som part, vil du være retsvidne eller medlem af en jury. Dækkede årsager skal forekomme, når din rejse allerede er begyndt.

COVID - Assistance

  • Medicinsk / hospitalsassistance hvis du bliver syg af COVID-19 
  • Diagnostisk test (PCR) for at bekræfte COVID-19 infektion hvis: 
    • Du har symptomer 
    • Du har ingen symptomer, men er krævet af et hospital eller en medicinsk facilitet for at behandle dig for en anden sygdom eller ulykke 
  • Overførsel tilbage til dit hjem, hvis du ikke kan vende tilbage med de midler, der er stillet til rådighed, fordi du har været syg med COVID-19: 
  • Overførsel af dødelige rester hvis du dør af COVID-19. Så længe der ikke er juridiske, regeringsmæssige eller sanitære foranstaltninger hindringer. 
  • Forlængelse af ophold på hotel / indkvartering hvis du er syg, men ikke behøver indlæggelse. Hotelopholdet skal være ordineret af en læge. 
  • Tidlig tilbagevenden hvis et nært familiemedlem til dig: 
    • Dør af COVID-19 eller 
    • Du indlægges på hospital for COVID-19

COVID - Annullering

  • Hvis du eller et nært familiemedlem dør af COVID-19 mellem forsikringskontrakten og den dato rejsen begynder. 
  • Hvis du bliver syg med COVID-19 i de to uger før rejsens start, og du ikke har brug for hospitalsindlæggelse. 
  • Hvis du bliver syg med COVID-19 og er indlagt på hospitalet i de fire uger før rejsens start 
  • Hvis du eller din ledsager er i medicinsk karantæne for at være syg med COVID-19 på den dato rejsen begynder. Karantænen skal være foreskrevet af en læge. 
  • Hvis et nært familiemedlem af dig er indlagt for COVID-19, og dette forhindrer dig i at foretage rejsen. 
  • Hvis du nægtes boarding fordi du har feber eller andre symptomer. Du skal fremvise en positiv test for COVID-19 udført samme dag eller i de følgende tre dage. 
  • Hvis myndighederne i dit land kræver din tilstedeværelse eller tjenester som en del af reaktionen på situationen skabt af COVID-19.
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