Looking to get from Amsterdam to Munich in the shortest amount of time? The train is the perfect option. Covering a 545.4 km or 338.3 mile journey, the trip takes only 8 hours and 10 minutes on average with one transfer in between. The main stations on the route are Amsterdam Centraal (NL) and Munich Hauptbahnhof (DE), with stops in Liege-Guillemins (BE), Cologne Central (DE), Frankfurt Main (DE) and Nuremberg (DE) along the way. Amsterdam to Liege-Guillemins: On this stretch, travelers will go through Alphen Aan Den Rijn, Utrecht and Maastricht in the Netherlands, and then through Visé, Liège-Guillemins and Waremme in Belgium. Liege-Guillemins to Cologne Central: After Liege-Guillemins, the train passes through Aachen, Cologne Central and Dusseldorf in Germany. Cologne Central to Frankfurt Main: This stretch sees the train go through Darmstadt and Mannheim in Germany. Frankfurt Main to Nuremberg: On this leg, travelers will go through Wurzburg and Nuremberg in Germany. Nuremberg to Munich Hauptbahnhof: On the last leg of the journey, travelers will pass through Ingolstadt, Neufahrn and Munich Hauptbahnhof in Germany. The trip is full of iconic sights and attractions, from the canals in Amsterdam to the lively Marienplatz in Munich. Make sure to check the iconic attractions near your stops – you might even be tempted to hop off and explore!
Traveling by train from Amsterdam to Munich is a great choice for anyone looking to explore the heart of Europe in the shortest amount of time. Take this trip to explore the culturally rich cities, iconic attractions, and exciting sights in between.
How long does that train from Amsterdam to Munich take?
The direct train from Amsterdam to Munich takes approximately 8 hours and 50 minutes. There are connections with 1 change that take between 11 hours and 8 minutes and 13 hours and 10 minutes.
What is the fastest journey from Amsterdam to Munich by train?
The fastest journey from Amsterdam to Munich is by direct train. This option takes 8 hours and 50 minutes.
How much does the train cost from Amsterdam to Munich?
The train from Amsterdam to Munich costs an average of €60 per person. The cost of the ticket will depend on the time of day, the chosen route and type of ticket purchased.
How much does the Amsterdam to Munich?
Yes, there is a direct train from Amsterdam to Munich. This is the fastest way to travel between the two cities.
What is the distance from Amsterdam to Munich by train?
The distance from Amsterdam to Munich by train is approximately 730 km.
Which are the cities that the train stops from Amsterdam to Munich?
The train from Amsterdam to Munich stops at Utrecht, Arnhem, Oberhausen, Duisburg, Dusseldorf, koeln, Frankfurt Airport, Frankfurt Centre, Wurzburg, Nuremberg and Ingolstadt.
首先,范·高博物馆(Van Gogh Museum)是不可错过的地标,它收藏了这位艺术家超过200幅画作,位于博物馆广场,门票约为19€,建议提前在线购票。
接下来,安妮·弗兰克之家(Anne Frank House)提供了一个深刻的历史教训,位于普林森格拉赫特263号,门票约为14€,参观前必须在线预订。
别忘了走访阿姆斯特丹皇宫(Royal Palace Amsterdam),这座17世纪的建筑位于大坝广场,门票约为10€。
最后,Albert Cuyp 市场,欧洲最大的日市之一,是品尝荷兰传统小吃如生鲱鱼三明治和荷兰煎饼的好地方。
首先,新市政厅(Neues Rathaus)以其哥特复兴风格建筑立于玛利亚广场,每天中午和下午5点的钟楼报时仪式是不容错过的。位于市中心,无需门票。
紧接着,慕尼黑宫殿(Residenz München),昔日巴伐利亚国王的官邸,展示了华丽的房间和珍贵的艺术品。位于市中心,开放时间视季节而定,门票约12€。
英国花园(Englischer Garten)是欧洲最大的城市公园之一,提供了一个宁静的逃离城市喧嚣的完美场所。进入免费,位于市中心。
慕尼黑国家博物馆(Bayerisches Nationalmuseum)是探索巴伐利亚文化和艺术的理想之地。位于普林茨雷根特街,门票约8€。
不可错过的阿萨姆教堂(Asamkirche),这是一座精美的巴洛克式教堂,以其细致的内部装饰和艺术作品而闻名。位于Sendlinger Straße,免费参观。
最后,德国科技博物馆(Deutsches Museum),是世界上最大的科学技术博物馆之一,适合所有年龄段的游客。位于博物馆岛,门票约14€。
阿姆斯特丹以其丰富的文化遗产和活跃的夜生活而闻名,而位于城市心脏地带的阿姆斯特丹中央火车站(Amsterdam Centraal)是探索这座城市及其周边地区的主要交通枢纽。此外,阿姆斯特丹还拥有其他几个重要火车站,如阿姆斯特丹阿姆斯特尔站(Amsterdam Amstel)和阿姆斯特丹斯隆德利克站(Amsterdam Sloterdijk),它们为旅客提供了更多的选择和便利。
阿姆斯特丹中央火车站位于Stationsplein 9,不仅是火车出行的枢纽,也是游客获取城市信息的重要地点。该站每天提供长达24小时的服务,满足了不同旅客的需求。此外,阿姆斯特丹中央火车站提供行李托运服务,方便了那些希望轻松游览城市、无需携带沉重行李的旅客。
慕尼黑作为德国南部的关键交通枢纽,拥有多个火车站,其中慕尼黑中央车站(München Hauptbahnhof)是最主要的火车站。此外,慕尼黑东站(München Ostbahnhof)和慕尼黑帕辛站(München Pasing)也是重要的交通节点,服务于城市和远郊区域。
慕尼黑中央车站位于Bayerstraße 10A,营业时间覆盖全天候,以适应旅客不同的出行需求。车站内配备了行李托运服务,方便游客处理行李问题。此外,车站周边餐饮、购物选择众多,确保旅客在等候或转乘列车时的舒适和便利。