Travelling by train from Stuttgart to Strasbourg is an amazing journey to discover some of the most stunning parts of Germany and France. Experience a six-hour train ride that will take you through some of the most picturesque parts of this region, passing through some of the major cities and towns in both countries.
The shortest and most direct route from Stuttgart to Strasbourg is a mere 315 miles, passing through Mannheim, Kaiserslautern, Karlsruhe, and Offenburg to name a few main stations. As the train makes its way south, you will see landscapes of rolling hills, magnificent forests and the Rhine River. On the way, you can also visit some of the larger cities, such as Frankfurt, Heidelberg and Baden-Baden, giving you the chance to explore these cities and towns for a few hours before continuing your journey.Upon arrival in Strasbourg you will be welcomed by the iconic Strasbourg Cathedral, standing proud in the city centre. The cathedral is a masterpiece of gothic architecture and one of the most iconic structures in France. You can spend some time visiting the square, enjoying a bite to eat and maybe even taking a tour of the cathedral itself.
Whether you’re a lover of history, architecture or art, you’ll be enthralled by this mesmerizing journey. Taking the train from Stuttgart to Strasbourg is a great way to explore some of the most stunning scenery of western Europe. From historical cities and towns to magnificent landscapes, the journey truly has something to offer for everyone.At the end of the day, taking the train from Stuttgart to Strasbourg is a beautiful way to explore some of the most stunning parts of Germany and France. So, take in the breathtaking view as the train rolls through the Rhine Valley, savouring the moment and all the wonderful sights along the way!
How long does the train from Stuttgart to Strasbourg take?
The train journey from Stuttgart to Strasbourg takes approximately 4 hours and 40 minutes.
What is the fastest journey from Stuttgart to Strasbourg by train?
The fastest journey between Stuttgart and Strasbourg by train is 4 hours 39 minutes.
How much does the train cost from Stuttgart to Strasbourg?
The cost of a train ticket from Stuttgart to Strasbourg currently costs €50.00.
How much does the Stuttgart to Strasbourg?
Yes, there is a direct train from Stuttgart to Strasbourg.
What is the distance from Stuttgart to Strasbourg by train?
The distance from Stuttgart to Strasbourg by train is approximately 581 kilometers.
Which are the cities that the train stops from Stuttgart to Strasbourg?
The train stops at the stations of Karlsruhe, Offenburg, Freiburg, Mulhouse, and Kehl.
首先,斯图加特新宫殿(Neues Schloss),这座18世纪的巴洛克式宫殿,位于城市中心,免费开放给公众。它的宏伟外观和精致内饰,让人一步步探索德国贵族的生活。
斯图加特电视塔(Fernsehturm Stuttgart),作为世界上第一个电视塔,不仅是技术上的突破,也提供了俯瞰整个城市的绝佳视角。门票费用为9€。
维尔特布鲁娜宫(Schloss Ludwigsburg),离市中心仅15公里,是德国最宏伟的巴洛克式宫殿之一,开放时间为周一至周日,门票费用为8.50€。
游览斯图加特艺术博物馆(Kunstmuseum Stuttgart),这个现代艺术的宝库,位于城市的心脏地带,以其玻璃立方体结构而著名,开放时间为周二至周日,门票费用为5€。
最后,参观斯图加特州立美术馆(Staatsgalerie Stuttgart),这里收藏了从中世纪到现代的艺术品,开放时间为周二至周日,门票费用为7€。
首先,斯特拉斯堡大教堂以其哥特式建筑和壮观的钟楼而闻名,位于市中心,每天开放,免费参观,建议捐赠€5。登上钟楼,您可以享有城市的全景。小法兰西区,以其传统半木结构房屋和石板街道而知名,是游览时不可错过的地方。接着,欧洲议会,体现了斯特拉斯堡作为欧盟重要城市的地位,参观需提前预约。罗昂宫是一座重要的文艺复兴建筑,现在是市政博物馆,门票€6, 每天开放除了周一。阿尔萨斯博物馆通过展示地区的传统生活方式和艺术品,带您穿越时间了解当地历史,门票€7。现代艺术和当代艺术博物馆展示了从20世纪到现代的艺术作品,门票€8。最后,不要错过尝试当地美食的机会,如香肠、鹅肝和传统的阿尔萨斯馅饼。
斯图加特是德国的一个重要城市,以其现代感和丰富的工业历史而闻名。在这座城市中,斯图加特中央车站(Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof)是主要的火车站,扮演着枢纽的角色,连接国内外多条铁路线。除此之外,斯图加特还拥有其他几个火车站,如斯图加特-费尔德尔站(Stuttgart-Feuerbach)和斯图加特-巴特坎施塔特站(Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt),服务于城市及周边地区的乘客。
位于斯图加特市中心,斯图加特中央车站的地址为Arnulf-Klett-Platz 2, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany。这个车站全天候运营,提供广泛的服务,包括行李托运服务,使旅客能够更轻松地探索城市而无需携带重物。
斯特拉斯堡,这座闪耀于法国东部边境的珍珠,不仅以其丰富的历史和文化遗产著称,还因其现代化的交通枢纽而备受瞩目。斯特拉斯堡火车站(Gare de Strasbourg)是该市的主要火车站,扮演着连接国内外多条重要铁路线的关键角色。除了主站之外,斯特拉斯堡还拥有其他几个小型车站,服务于城市及周边区域。
位于斯特拉斯堡市中心,斯特拉斯堡火车站的地址为Place de la Gare,是来访者探索这座城市不可或缺的起点。营业时间因季节而异,但总体而言,它提供了全天候服务,满足各种旅行需求。车站内部还设有行李托运服务,方便旅客存放行李,享受轻松自在的旅程。无论是短途旅行还是长途跋涉,斯特拉斯堡火车站都确保您的旅途从这里开始就充满便利与舒适。