Polazite iz Warnemünde, koji se nalazi u samom centru grada Warnemünde, i uživate u prekrasnom krajoliku tijekom putovanja dok ne stignete u Berlin Glavni Kolodvor, koji se također nalazi u srcu Berlin.
Polazite iz Warnemünde, koji se nalazi u samom centru grada Warnemünde, i uživate u prekrasnom krajoliku tijekom putovanja dok ne stignete u Berlin Glavni Kolodvor, koji se također nalazi u srcu Berlin.
Your journey starts at Warnemuende Station, where you can find a wide variety of shops and eateries. As you travel to Berlin, you'll pass through smaller, yet important towns such as Malchow, Neustrelitz, and Wustermark. Don't forget to take the time and admire the beauty of the Spreewald region as you travel past it.
On arrival at Berlin station, take a moment to appreciate the grandeur of the impressive Bebelplatz square alongside a selection of monuments and fountains. From here, take a stroll through the many attractions in the city, such as the Brandenburg Gate or the Museum Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
So take the opportunity to travel from Warnemuende to Berlin and have a fantastic trip! You'll witness a great range of attractions in Germany that will make your journey an unforgettable one.
How long does the train from Warnemuende to Berlin take? The train from Warnemuende to Berlin takes 2h 22min.
What is the fastest journey from Warnemuende to Berlin by train? The fastest journey from Warnemuende to Berlin by train is 2h 22min.
How much does the train cost from Warnemuende to Berlin? The train from Warnemuende to Berlin costs €30.00.
How much does the Warnemuende to Berlin? Yes, there is a direct train from Warnemuende to Berlin.
What is the distance from Warnemuende to Berlin by train? The distance from Warnemuende to Berlin by train is 207Km.
Which are the cities that the train stops from Warnemuende to Berlin? The cities that the train stops from Warnemuende to Berlin are Rostock, Schwerin, Ludwigslust, Wittenberge, Berlin-Spandau and Berlin-Hauptbahnhof.
Warnemuende Germany is an idyllic coastal town located in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The beaches, picturesque harbor, and charming Old Town are all reasons to visit, but Warnemuende also has plenty of historical and architectural sites to explore. Here’s a must-visit list for the perfect day trip to Warnemuende.
Warnemuende Town Hall: This intricately designed building is a must-see. Dating back to the late 19th century, the Neo-Baroque design of Town Hall is truly breathtaking. It's located in the heart of the Old Town, and it's open from 9am to 7pm in the summer. There are no entrance fees.
Warnemuende Beach: It's an iconic part of Warnemuende, and is popular with both locals and visitors. It stretches for several kilometers along the coast with plenty of viewpoints and attractions. You can relax on the beach, take a walk along the harbor, or visit one of the many beach bars.
Warnemuende Harbor: The harbor is one of the most beautiful parts of Warnemuende. Stroll along the boardwalk and take in the views of the boats bobbing in the water. There are plenty of restaurants and bars to enjoy. One of the best spots to grab a bite to eat is Seeterasse, which serves up delicious seafood.
St. Nicholas Church: St. Nicholas Church is one of the most iconic landmarks in Warnemuende. It was constructed in the 16th century and is known for its ornate Gothic architecture. The interior is also worth taking a look at, with its imposing vaulted ceilings and colorful stained glass windows. Entrance is free, and it's open every day from 10am to 6pm.
Warnemuende Castle: This historic castle is located on a hill overlooking the harbor. It was originally built in the 12th century and underwent several renovations in the centuries since. Nowadays, the castle is open to visitors and offers stunning views of the harbor. You can take a guided tour, or just wander around the grounds and admire the scenery. Entrance is free and it's open every day from 10am to 7pm.
Rostock Zoo: Rostock Zoo is located about 30 minutes from Warnemuende and is one of the largest in Germany. Here, you can see more than 2,000 animals from all over the world, including elephants, tigers, and giraffes. It's open from 9:30am to 6:30pm, and the entrance fee is €15 for adults and €7 for children.
Darwineum: If you're looking for something a bit different, head to Darwineum, a museum dedicated to Charles Darwin. It offers visitors a chance to explore the lives of exotic animals in their natural habitats, as well as learn about the evolutionary process and the impact of climate change. Entrance is free and it's open from 9am to 6pm.
Exploring the historical and architectural sites of Warnemuende is a great way to get to know the city. Whether you’re looking for relaxation on the beach or a cultural experience, Warnemuende has something for everyone. So, plan a visit and start exploring!
Dinamičan i prepun povijesti, Berlin je grad koji svatko mora posjetiti barem jednom u životu. Od očaravajućih povijesnih lokacija do arhitektonskih čuda, Berlin nudi bogato kulturno naslijeđe i moderne atrakcije. Otkrijte ključne znamenitosti koje čine ovaj grad jedinstvenim, a ne zaboravite ni na autentične gastronomske delicije.
Berlinski zid
Ostaci Berlinskog zida, posebno poznata East Side Gallery, predstavljaju simbol slobode protiv podjela. Posjetite ovu otvorenu galeriju koja je besplatna i dostupna 24/7, gdje možete vidjeti poznate umjetničke radove koji pričaju priče o povijesti i nadama.
Brandenburška vrata
Nezaobilazan simbol Berlina, Brandenburška vrata su bila svjedoci mnogih povijesnih događaja. Ovaj neoklasični spomenik nalazi se na Pariser Platz i pristup mu je besplatan, idealno za posjet u večernjim satima kada je osvijetljen.
Zgrada njemačkog parlamenta, poznata po svojoj impozantnoj staklenoj kupoli. Posjeti su mogući, ali zahtijevaju prethodnu rezervaciju. Posjet kupoli je besplatan, a nudi i panoramski pogled na grad.
Muzej otoka
Smješten na otoku u rijeci Spree, ovaj kompleks muzeja uključuje nekoliko svjetski poznatih muzeja. Ulaznice se kreću oko 18 €, a preporučuje se posjet Muzeju Pergamon i Staroj Nacionalnoj galeriji.
Memorijalni centar holokausta
Snažno mjesto sjećanja na žrtve holokausta, ovaj memorijal nalazi se blizu Brandenburških vrata. Besplatan je za posjetitelje i otvoren svakodnevno, nudi duboko emotivno iskustvo.
Checkpoint Charlie
Jedna od najpoznatijih kontrolnih točaka iz hladnog rata, Checkpoint Charlie danas je muzejski kompleks. Ulaznica stoji oko 14 €, a izložba pruža uvid u podijeljeni Berlin.
Televizijski toranj
Za najbolji pogled na Berlin, posjetite Televizijski toranj visok 368 metara. Cijena ulaznice je oko 16 €, a preporučuje se rezervacija unaprijed zbog gužvi.
Zaključno, putovanje Berlinom nudi mješavinu povijesnih uvida i modernog života. Uživajte u tradicionalnim jelima kao što su Currywurst ili Döner Kebab dok istražujete ovaj fascinantan grad. Bez obzira na to koliko dugo ostajete, Berlin sigurno ima nešto za svakoga.
The main railway station of Warnemuende (main station), Germany is the main access point to the city. Accessible by car, train, and bus, this station serves as an important transportation hub for both tourists and locals. There are several other smaller railway stations in Warnemuende, however, the main station remains the most convenient and popular of the city’s railway stations.
Warnemuende Train Station is located at Am Bahnhof 1 in Warnemuende, DE. It is open 24 hours a day and offers luggage storage services and ticketing services. If you need additional assistance, contact the station at +49 381 522 7710.
Berlin se može ponositi svojom impresivnom željezničkom stanicom Berlin Hauptbahnhof, koja je najveća križna željeznička stanica u Europi. Osim Hauptbahnhofa, u Berlinu postoji nekoliko drugih važnih željezničkih stanica kao što su Berlin Ostbahnhof i Berlin Südkreuz, koje također igraju ključnu ulogu u gradskom i međunarodnom željezničkom prometu.
Berlin Hauptbahnhof se nalazi na adresi Europaplatz 1, u srcu grada, što putnicima omogućuje lagan pristup brojnim turističkim atrakcijama. Stanica je otvorena 24 sata dnevno, pružajući maksimalnu fleksibilnost putnicima. Za one koji imaju potrebu za skladištenjem prtljage, stanica nudi usluge skladištenja prtljage koje su sigurne i pristupačne, omogućujući putnicima da bezbrižno istražuju grad.
Rezervirajte unaprijed:
Baš kao i kod avionskih karata, cijene željezničkih karata obično rastu što se bliže datumu polaska. Rezervacija tjednima ili čak mjesecima unaprijed može vam uštedjeti značajnu količinu novca.
Putujte izvan vršnih sati:
Izbjegavajte putovanje tijekom vršnih sati kao što su jutarnji i večernji radni dani. Odaberite vožnju u podne, kasno navečer ili tijekom sredine tjedna kada je manje potražnje.
Razmislite o sporijim vlakovima ili neizravnim rutama:
Ekspresni ili brzi vlakovi mogu uštedjeti vrijeme, ali su često skuplji. Odabirom regionalnih ili sporijih usluga možete smanjiti cijenu karte.
Potražite posebne ponude i promocije:
Operateri vlakova povremeno imaju promocije ili posebne ponude, osobito tijekom izvansezonskih razdoblja. Vrijedi se prijaviti na biltene. Osim toga, ponekad postoje popusti za grupne ili povratne karte, stoga razmislite o tim opcijama ako odgovaraju vašim planovima putovanja.